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Best Way

to Make

WOW Gold




It is commonly believed that it is impossible to make 300 golden a day for a level 20 in world of warcraft, but they are wrong, because the thought of most people is limited by a few ways of make gold. Only kill more mob can make more gold, so many players never stop to kill mob, for them time is money. Today, I want to say: if you dose not want by means of kill mob or buy wow gold to get more gold in game, be a merchant.


Previously I had see an invitation say that who is the most profitable in wow, the merchant is only second to the present of guild, and the third is the player who focus to kill mob. At that time, I also can not understand it until someone mention to auction house.


The merchant is resell everyday, buy items in low price and raise price to sell it. For instance, a set of ghost mushrooms is buy in 8 gold and he sell in 10 gold, do not look down upon this 2 gold, they win in the amount, so long as to have enough turnover, it will be doubled and redoubled, dependent on the market mechanism of supply and demand you can make several or hundred wow gold. It is an easy way that you just need put more time and more patients on it, no limited of levels, and no need online anytime. But you should good at economics and communication skills. Still another advantage is reduced the risk of suspended to some extend.


A successful merchant even can control one or several items price in market, so could not think, could not have achieved, do not think it is not exist if you can not understand. The way make money in wow is the same as reality.


Firstly, if you have enough money you can monopolize market, do your best to buy the similar item in low price and raise price to sell.


Secondly, let us have a heart to suggest in major city. Such as you can say in any major city: 130 gold buy a huge emerald.


Third, buy wow gold in a low price. You should remember it always have Newbie in wow, they do not know how much it worth of some items. Some one will sell to you as long as you say, but it needs more patients.


Fourth, make gold by skills. Compound thing and sell to other players, for example, an Arcane Crystal is 13 gold, a Thorium Bar is 0.5 gold, pay 4 gold to compound Arcanite Bar. As a result, you can sell it in 28 gold. The others are the same with it.


Fifth, resell the scroll, do this way you should be careful, it can not be sell right away, maybe after many times, just remember buying the best-selling scroll.


Except these ways may be have some other method to make gold in wow, but all of it need us to do, if you do not want to do it, you also can buy cheap wow gold on MMOXE.COM.


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